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50 Hortense St
Glen Iris, VIC, 3146

0490 126 293

Practice of Jeremy Woolhouse, pianist and Alexander Technique Teacher in Melbourne, Australia

Specialist in working with musicians, RSI, posture re-education, neck, back and chronic pain management. 

Articles on Alexander Technique in life - by Jeremy Woolhouse

Monthly blog articles by Jeremy Woolhouse.  Alexander Technique for daily life, music performance, specialised activities, pain relief and management.

Alexander Technique for Pain Relief

Jeremy Woolhouse

Pain relief with Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique has proven to be highly effective for pain relief.

Pain in one area of the body is influenced by the relationship of the rest of the body to that area. So the Technique teaches you use your whole body to address localised symptoms.

For example, back pain may be related to the position of your head on your spine, and the way you carry weight through your legs and feet.

RSI wrist pain in the wrist may be affected by habitual shoulder alignment. Alexander Technique will help you to identify these patterns and address them.

This attention to the whole also helps prevent further aggravation of the problem or the development of counterproductive compensations.

The Technique empowers students to self-manage their conditions. It offers practical methods for dealing with the acute onset of pain and getting through daily activities. It serves as a counter measure for anxiety and depression.

Your teacher will offer quality one-on-one input. The teacher will listen to your experiences and support you as you learn the skills of the Technique.

Teachers will tailor programs to provide maximum independence and benefit. Alexander Technique can be used concurrently with other treatments while offering something distinctly unique. It has often helped where other treatments have given partial or temporary relief.

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